ExploCrowd is a team of geologists and geophysicists flanked by experts in reservoir engineering.

Our passions are science and people. Working with ExploCrowd means working together – integrating disciplines, sharing knowledge, and collaborating closely to reach our common goals. Being our client means being part of our team.

See what we do, explore how we work or read our stories to get to know more about who we are.  


Our ceo: sidsel lindsø

“I dreamed of creating a team of highly skilled earth scientists and engineers, who would work closely together, building on each other’s strengths, have each other’s backs and strive for the high performance that can only be achieved by a team.

Over the years we have repeatedly demonstrated, together with clients, that this way of working delivers high quality that goes above our clients expectation. There is a deep satisfaction in this.”


our journey – so far!

Our story started during the summer of 2016 when the downturn in the market hit hard. We knew that in a cyclic market geologists would be needed in the future, so we took the opportunity to bring a team of geoscientists and engineers together and began training as a sports team.

Creating a highly motivated team
Funded only by 2 million NOK in investments we set sails with a team in operation in January 2017 to test how a different approach in leadership philosophy could create a highly motivated team delivering top performance inspired by what we see in sports athletes.

Unleashing the potential
The ambition level was high already from the start: we wanted to prove that the high performance team approach where people thrive and unleash their potential would create positive financial results, in the hope that others might be inspired by our way of doing things.

An unexpected challenge
The first year went very well, and the earnings we made then helped us survive the second year, where a an unexpected drop in oil price in November 2017 stopped all ongoing sales and we ended up with a significant loss. This caused a rather stressful situation in the beginning of the third year, but luckily more clients saw our potential and the year ended good.

2020: Staying alive!
We saw growth and new clients in early 2020, but like everybody else in our business arena we lost all client work in days when the combined OPEC+//Covid-19 set in. Clients and supporters in the network were caring and kind to keep us alive during 2020, enabling us to be ready to hit the ground running in 2021.

Full speed ahead
Since then, clients have now fully understood our concept and how a fast moving adaptable team of up to 25 people working well together can fast track their business opportunities.


our organisation: flexible, capable and efficient

Large teams: We often work in large teams with up to 25 people from different disciplines working together for a client on one single project. The way we are organised enables it all.

Across borders: Our organisation is in reality virtual, where people across many different locations and countries work together.

Valuable network: In addition to the Core Team, based in Stavanger Norway, we have a network of closely linked Associated Specialists and Collaboration Partners.

Fast-movers: We have worked together over many years, and can offer extraordinary efficiency while delivering quality with confidence.



What our clients say

Over the years we have had the opportunity to work closely with clients from both international majors, authorities, independent NCS E&Ps and also a few of the NCS minors. Do let us know if you need a reference in order to accelerate trust building – we have several clients happy to provide references for us.


“I am very pleased with how smooth this work went and the good flow of communication between us. You did exactly what I needed: somebody who makes my life easier and takes full responsibility for a product without a need for constant supervision. I can assure you that while such a working attitude may seem normal to you, it is not very common.”

Geologist from international major Exploration & Production Company

“On a scale of 1-to-10 ExploCrowd and their experts performed to a clear 10.

They contributed with experience, knowledge and capacity that we do not always have access to internally, and their work and advisory enabled us to address various risks on different development projects in a very efficient manner.”

Development Geologist from major NCS
Exploration & Production Company



Credit rating: During uncertain times with massive geopolitical and energy political changes it gives confidence to know that your business partners is robust and has their finances in order.

We have the highest credit rating possible, which is only awarded to 2,5% of Norwegian shareholder companies. Read the report via the logo link below or learn more about our rating in this article.

Data storage: We do our utmost to keep client data safe and have systems in place so we know where proprietary seismic data from the main seismic data providers are stored at all times. It is a question of integrity and most important to us.

Certificates: ExploCrowd is a knowledge based company with office based operations that has Management Systems in place to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. ExploCrowd is fully registered as a supplier in the Achilles Oil & Gas Europe community which is compliant with NORSOK and IOGP requirements. The AchillesID is 00048204 and the expiration date for the certificate is 9th of October 2023.

Rhomboporphyrric rocks are extremely rare volcanic extrusions of magma. The origin of these are the Oslo Graben area in Norway, and they were found in northern Denmark. They were transported here by ice flows during ice ages.