Over the years, we have had the pleasure to work closely with clients from small, medium and big size oil companies, in addition to authorities, industry associations and a CCS startup.
We have evaluated Development Plans, delivered Regional Integrated Studies, fault maps, in-house consultancy, Asset Evaluations and more, helping Clients in licence rounds and on existing licence Work Obligations.
We can claim that we deliver high quality as much as we wish, but it only becomes trustworthy when our clients provides positive feedback on our deliverables and how we work together with clients.
Client Feedback
“The ExploCrowd team was hired to independently screen a region for prospectivity in a very short timeframe. We wanted a ‘fresh set of eyes’ free of unconscious bias to try to identify opportunities we may have overlooked, and were also pleased to have early career geoscientists involved in crunching the data together with more seasoned experts.
The results of the study were impressive, as ExploCrowd came up with a large number of prospects and leads, many of which we had not seen on before. It saved our team a significant amount of time as we could select the opportunities that best suited our strategy and move forward with these for APA license round applications. The opportunities identified by Explocrowd were later awarded to our company, hence the work that ExploCrowd delivered proved to be of significant value to us.”
Exploration Manager from large independent Exploration & Production Company
“On a scale of 1-to-10 ExploCrowd and their experts performed to a clear 10.
They contributed with experience, knowledge and capacity that we do not always have access to internally, and their work and advisory enabled us to address various risks on different development projects in a very efficient manner.”
Development Geologist from major NCS Exploration & Production Company
“Things just work with them, They’re like Apple, but for an energy service company!”
Geologist from international major Exploration & Production Company
“I am very pleased with how smooth this work went and the good flow of communication between us. You did exactly what I needed: somebody who makes my life easier and takes full responsibility for a product without a need for constant supervision. I can assure you that while such a working attitude may seem normal to you, it is not very common.”
Geologist from international major Exploration & Production Company
“We made an enquiry regarding a data set covering parts of the Norwegian Sea. The reply from ExploCrowd came within 1 hour, with more information, updated maps of the AOI and helpful suggestions coming through the same day. The sale process was swift and hassle free, and the product was promptly delivered in correct formats, allowing us to immediately integrate the data in our subsurface analysis. Great post-sale follow up, excellent customer care!”
Exploration geologist from mid-size Independent NCS Exploration & Production Company
“ExploCrowd and Global Geopressure Advice delivered an extensive and detailed regional geopressure study for a license in the Central Graben, North Sea. The work has been essential to de-risk prospects within the license, but also being used in round applications.
ExploCrowd and Global Geopressure Advice worked closely with us during to study. The close collaboration and flexibility helped us to update, discuss and suggest new approaches.
New ideas evolved and ExploCrowd and Global Geopressure Advice quickly adopted this into the study. The outcome of the study turned out not to just be maps and databases, but improvement of geological understanding for the clients team and license partners”
Exploration Geologist from mid-size Independent NCS Exploration & Production Company
“An off-the-shelf product, that definitely doesn’t sit on the shelf. The regional integrated study has been my go-to base and foundation for my daily exploration activities.”
Geologist from international major Exploration & Production Company
“ExploCrowd delivers a high quality polished product that requires minimal adaptation to achieve the desired result.”
Exploration Geologist from international major Exploration & Production Company
Our Clients
Over the years we have had the opportunity to work closely with clients from both international majors, authorities, independent NCS E&Ps and also a few of the NCS minors. Do let us know if you need a reference in order to accelerate trust building. We have several clients happy to provide references for us.
May we Inspire you?
Below you can find descriptions of selected User Cases. Hopefully, they will inspire you to look into the world of possibilities in Exploration, Production and Development together with the ExploCrowd Team.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments!
Our Team was involved in Asset Evaluations in relation to Farm In opportunities.
Because we have access to Field Production data from the DISKOS database, it was possible for us to prepare an up front assessment of the producing fields and remaining potential prior to getting access to the data room. This enabled us to work efficiently with data, targeting the most important information while in the data room.
We are working with a new potential Collaboration Partner to test a semi-automated solution that can provide a new way of efficiently report the performance of a Producing Field.
Contact us for more information now to learn about this possibility.
Sidsel Lindsø and Lex Rijkels working together during one of his visits in our Norway based office in Business Center Stavanger
A client purchased one of our Multi-Client Studies and gave us access to new 2D seismic data for us to integrate in the existing calibrated seismic database and associated horizon interpretations.
We worked efficiently to expand the existing interpretations in the new dataset since complete grids existed already, and with good confidence since biostratigraphic well interpretations had already been integrated with the seismic interpretations.
Therefore, several young talents could take on the task of interpreting regional horizons on the shallower levels, increasing speed while the experts focused on the more complex part of the regional understanding.
We experienced very good collaboration with the Client Team and delivered several new prospect ideas and new concepts with thorough documentation of the data, interpretations and level of confidence for the Client Team to mature further.
For a licence round a client selected relevant areas of our North Sea Regional Multi-Client Study, thereby designing a package suiting their needs and targeting the Open Acreage that could be applied for.
They had not completed their own work in the areas, but by selecting this solution they had the following elements ready, enabling them to hit the ground running, integrate new seismic data and fast track the Prospect Maturation Process to present the possibilities to their Board of Directors:
Calibrated seismic database of vintage data
Petrophysical Well Evaluation
Biostratigraphic Well Evaluation
Sedimentological Well Evaluation
Seismic Horizon Interpretations Tied to Wells with new Biostratigraphic Well Tops
Fault Sticks
Fault Polygons
Time Maps
Velocity Model for Depth Conversion
Depth Maps
Petroleum System Model
The Client then provided us with new seismic 3D data for integration, and our Team managed to deliver interpretations and identified Prospects and Leads in a very short timeframe, in close interaction with the Client. Our partners from Global Geopressure Advice were able to help us on a very short notice, delivering geopressure analysis. In total, 14 people were involved in the work for the client.
Gustavo Lopes mapping Quarternary valleys in the central part of the Norwegian North Sea. These valleys are important because they can create low-velocity effects in deeper seismic data that often has the visual appearance of faults.
Case 4
A Client had been stretched thin on resources and our Team was hired in as flexible resources to help on the Work Program in an operated licence.
Though part of the team was located in London and Copenhagen, we managed to work efficiently together with the Client. Detailed Project Plans, continuous communication and regular workshops enabled us to deliver exactly what the Client needed, giving us the satisfaction to make a difference and help easing the workload on the Client Team.
Case 5
A Client who wanted to start a project with Flexible Project Scope and Flexible Access to our experts contacted our Team.
The project included several people in our Team:
Lex Rijkel (Associated Specialist in Reservoir Engineering)
Petter Gahre (Petrophysicist)
Lotta Lüthje (Sedimentologist)
Gustavo Lopes and Sveinung Hatløy (Seismic interpreters, who by the way impressed the Client with their high quality and speed!)
Stephen O’Connor and Guy Markham (Geopressure experts)
Torbjørn Throndsen (Petroleum system analysis legend)
Sidsel Lindsø (Specialist in Structural Geology and Tectonostratigraphy)
Our founder Sidsel Lindsø also contributed as internal project lead responsible for integrating the work of the different disciplines.
The flexible project scope was necessary, as we did not know what we would find. As part of the work, Lex Rijkel discovered that much of the software requirements could be solved with free Open Access Software, thereby reducing the project cost significantly.
In many ways, this was a ‘Dream Project’ for our Team. A highly appreciated Client took a very active part in steering the project in the right direction, and impressed us with their fast decision-making and way of approaching challenges.
The feedback the Client and we has received has been very positive, setting new standards for how projects should be delivered.
Expert in sedimentology and external examiner at Royal Holloway London Lotta Lüthje from GeoScandia in the Core Lab discussing the depositional environment with the young talents Gustavo Lopes, Elzbieta Tomankiewicz-Gacek and Sveinung Hatløy
Case 6
APA2019 Licence awards: Our Team had contributed with Multi-Client Products, Consultancy Services or Advisory for no less than five companies being involved in the licence round. No wonder we waited with excitement for the results, which we were very satisfied with.