Why Regional Integrated Studies?
In a perfect world, all exploration teams would work on comprehensive regional studies integrating all relevant data - and documenting the Data Quality, Methodology, Interpretation Confidence and Study Results in details.
Due to significant workload and limited resources, this is unfortunately rarely the case. More often, most necessary data is included and documentation cannot be prioritised because the explorationists need to rush off to the next very important task. The result is often that the background information about which data formed basis for the study, together with the level of confidence, sits with the individual geologist, and when they move out of the exploration team, the knowledge, insights and confidence is lost. And this is rarely satisfactory for anyone involved, to be honest.
Reports are vital
… as exploration is all about confidence
This is the main reason why new regional studies are started again and again, and many not completed because new focus areas and priorities put an end to the comprehensive work.
What we in ExploCrowd have set out to do is to build the foundation and document it ‘once and for all’ to provide a basis one can trust, with documentation of where we have good confidence - and where interpretations are conceptual in order to complete regional maps.
This way, much of the work required is already done, and an exploration team can take the study, hit the ground running, update it with their own knowledge and push their ambitions further.
For now, Barents Sea Studies are complete, and we are a few months away from completing our North Sea Study covering South Viking Graben, Utsira High and Stord Basin with full documentation of everything.
Having these regional studies available opens up for a whole new range of possibilities, as it is possible to carve out individual elements and make tailor-made solutions for client needs. This could for example be fault polygons for the Top Pre Zechstein//Basement level or the Top Jurassic Level in the South Viking Graben-Utsira High area, oil expulsion maps from the Petroleum System Analysis or a regional map of integrated spectral decomposition geotiffs integrated with well observations and structural geology? It could also be a well database, built in the IC software, which can be used as a basis for building a high-confidence company well database?
Having worked through the details of these studies also provide exceptional level of detail to the regional insights, which again forms the perfect foundation for Farm In Advisory or Strategic Advise on possible Seismic Acquisition - and the studies forms a perfect starting point for exclusive tailormade studies integrating proprietary data.
And then comes the prospects, both those in open acreage and licenced areas.
Basically, having these studies available and thoroughly documented opens up for adding new collaboration partners who can add value to existing studies by adding their expertise, and the possibility to test even more business models.
Much more on this in the weeks to come…