Integrated Regional Studies


Quality geological framework ready for further exploration.

We have developed comprehensive multi-client integrated regional studies for several areas to provide client teams with shared knowledge, insights, and a higher level of confidence. The databases enable us to develop new concepts and increase the chance of discoveries.

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  • CAPACITY: Few teams in E&P companies have had the chance to prioritise keeping their regional interpretation projects updated during these last few years, due to the downturn.

    DATABASE: For Norway, we have taken the luxury to select the best quality seismic data from the DISKOS database, hosted by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, and calibrated the 2D and 3D seismic data to form a consistent database where new proprietary data can be integrated.

    The seismic data have been interpreted and the horizons have been tied to wells, often based on biostratigraphic re-evaluation of well data to give confidence.

  • SPEED AND CONFIDENCE: The regional studies give us a head start on any project.

    Our clients benefit from our good regional control on seismic data, wells, and confidence.

    If a business opportunity arises, such as an asset evaluation, an APA or CO2 licence application, we can assist with carving out selected areas of our existing subsurface database and make it available to clients. This enables clients to accelerate speed, which becomes more and more important for strategic positioning.

    NEW CONCEPTS: By building everything up from the ground, evaluating every little detail of the data to ensure quality and consistency, we often discover something new.

    We have repeatedly seen that through using new technologies and innovative processes in our way of working, we have come up with new concepts that both solve old geological mysteries, but also have the potential to create significant impact on exploration.

  • Integration with regional scale seismic attributes from paleoscan models:
    In our effort to efficiently integrate seismic attributes in the exploration workflow, standalone PaleoScan Models were completed for the South Viking Graben - Utsira High and Central Graben. The PaleoScan models enables efficient spectral decomposition analysis and seismic attribute extraction from stratigraphically controlled stacked horizons at every peak, trough, zero- and S-crossing.

    In the regional scale PaleoScan Model South Viking Graben - Utsira High a large number of horizons and observed geomorphologies are tied to well observations and sedimentology organised in our IC Well Database. This has provided an overview of the reservoir distribution in Paleogene and Neogene on a regional scale, associated with very good confidence.

    Regional TWT and TVD Maps:
    Regional Time maps for the entire North Sea Region and Barents Sea are available for purchase in a 500 by 500 meter grid size. The maps have been mapped on a calibrated seismic data base, and are available in TWT and TVD with the assistance of Estimages Norge. The maps are available for purchase.

    Petroleum System Analysis for North Sea and Barents Sea Regions:
    Oil and Gas Expulsion Maps from the TORENA Regional Petroleum System Analysis by Torbjørn Throndsen are available for the entire Norwegian Barents Sea (excl. FDZ) and the entire Norwegian North Sea.

    Regional Fault Maps and Salt Structure Maps:
    Structural geology is our core competence and this has high priority in our studies, for us to understand the impact of the structural controls on sediment deposition, trap formation and hydrocarbon migration.

    Regional fault maps and salt structure maps for the North Sea, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea are available for purchase.

    Geopressure Analysis and Overpressure Compartment Maps:

    Understanding overpressure distribution can be of utmost importance in several regions, for understanding potential false positive AVO responses, preservation of porosity and especially when planning wells. Industry leading experts Stephen O’Connor and Guy Markham have reviewed geopressure data and interpreted overpressures. Those have in several areas been integrated with the ExploCrowd Fault maps - providing valuable new insights.

  • Supercharge your projects with regional studies – written by Senior Geoscientist Sveinung Hatløy

    Why Regional Integrated Studies? - written by CEO Sidsel Lindsø

    The good explorationist - by our CEO Sidsel Lindsø